Friday, May 30, 2014

1st one!

Yo! Since this is the very first post I guess it'd be nice to say a few words about myself and about the reasons for creating this blog. My name's Tomek and hip hop is a HUGE part of my life. That was literally a few words but that's kinda all you need to know here. Besides that, some say I think too much. Well, I gotta admit I do sometimes but generally I find my thinking too much not a bad thing cause in most cases it leads me to finding the truth and for some reason I've always believed that the truth despite being painful sometimes is something that will always reward you with gifts impossible to even imagine when living in a lie. The truth and hip hop will be the two things I will focus on the most here. Having said that I gotta add that when I was younger hip hop hadn't been such a big part of my life but as I got older I found it the most truthful out of all genres. And just to be clear, we're talking about REAL hip hop, the kind that affects your emotions and makes you wanna be a better human being. I'm definetely not talking about the kind of hip-hop feeding your mind with stories about getting more and more money, bitches and boasting about the amount of weed they smoke. And don't get me wrong, I don't think that smoking weed is a bad thing but smoking too much is. The same applies to cultivating it. I mean come on! Is it only me or is there someone else out there who also thinks it's pathethic that amazingly rich people stand on the scene in front of thousands of fans and ask things like "how many of you been smokin weed tonight". Why aren't they aware of the fact that they kinda made it and they don't have to worry about things like money but people out there treat them as their idols and if you have an idol you want to be just like them. And sometimes they want to be "just like them" so badly they can't afford to pay their bills cause they'd smoke all the money they get. And to me, this is running away from the truth, both by fans who try to convince themselves that everything's gonna be fine somehow cause it's so cool to smoke all the time and by the rappers who are either unable to think about the consequences of their message or simply just don't give a shit about ruining people's lives cause I think it's exactly what's happening sometimes, especially when music is important to somebody. Anyway. This is probably the only time I'm writing about it cause I'd rather focus on the rappers I like and find real and truthful both on the stage and outside of it. Things I'll be writing about won't be regular reviews but rather my thoughts about songs or albums that mean something to me and of which I think that more people should hear about cause sometimes they're real life changers...

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